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Thread: A special Original 75

  1. #16
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    I was at the club when Robin got their old rifle back - have you heard the saying "happier than a dog with two tails" well it kinda fits rather well.

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Rossendale and Formby
    Hi Robin,

    Hopefully you now have BOTH of the (first two UK imported!) Model 75 match rifles that Pam shot prior to her switch to Walther, so the hunt is now well and truly over and you can enjoy owning them.

    The difference is that the first rifle that failed (and was replaced with the second) can now also boast a "Robin" modified stock and trigger etc so they are a unique pair of rifles that have both been shot in competition by Pam in her early days and so they both form an important part of her illustrious competition history with the Original Model 75.

    We done for not quitting and for keeping faith that the one you really wanted would eventually turn up - and as it happens you have ended-up owning BOTH of the first two Model 75 match rifles that were imported into the UK - and Pam shot them both in competition.

    Now you can "rest easy" and enjoy getting those missing decals re-made, and comparing the modifications that you made from memory on the first rifle you acquired (which was probably the FIRST rifle that Pam shot with until it failed), and your more recent purchase of the (SECOND) Model 75 that Pam had to switch to during a live competition (!) and the one that she continued to shoot with that carried all of the modifications that you made to make the rifle "fit" and "work" better for Pam. Her success with it proved that you did a really good job!

    Well done

    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  3. #18
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    Thanks Bob

    Its been a ten year search, and to see that rifle come out of the case was quite emotional, and it was definitely the one, I could see the modified stock, and trigger, just as I did it for her 46 years before, and the guy who had it, was the "young lad" whose father bought it for him, from the person we sold it to 40 years earlier, we always knew who we sold it to, but 40 years later they could not remember the name or address of who they sold it to, and its sat in the "young lads" loft for 30 years as he could not bear to part with it!!

    The replica with the action she jammed up, is also really spooky how I came by that, a massive pure coincidence, it had been bought by a friend, and he brought it to me because he wanted me to see it before he sold it, and also I recognized that it was in a case hand made by the same guy who made our cases (he was in our club) and did not make many! The case had a GB national squad sticker, and marks where other stickers had been removed, but we were certain it was Pam's case, so checked the rifle and saw the 05 - 77 date, and immediately I thought was that the rifle?

    I was certain it was either the "jammed" one, or the final one. But coincidences, my friend had bought it from a collector out of our area? But strangely he bought the case separately in Norfolk near us, it was very mystifying???

    When the final one turns up, and with the case complete with stickers, it turns out the replica was the jammed one!! But what of the first case with the GB sticker, it definitely was a case emanating from our club 40 years ago, and Pam was the only GB rifle squad member at the time. Then she remembered that when she retired, the case made for her LGR (by the same guy) she sold, as the rifle was stored in our cabinet, and she still has that!

    So what a trail of mystery's, and coincidences!!! Her original Original 75 winning rifle and case, has sat in a loft for 30 years 20 miles from us! The action she broke 46 years ago, has done the collector rounds of the UK, and was bought from a long way away by a friend with no knowledge of what he had bought! The same friend also independently bought one of Pam's cases of 40 years ago for that rifle, in our county, then the lot gets back together!!

    Maybe we'll win the lottery next week?

    The main rifle I have restored the stock now, and used the stickers I made for the replica, it looks stunning, the action is being rebuilt by a specialist, the case was easy, mostly just a clean and a coat of lacquer to seal in the historic stickers on it. And the mods on the replica? They were spot on!

    Maybe when its finished we should have an event at Norwich and see if we can get her out of retirement to shoot it, even let some of our young hotshots try it, to see if they can match her PB with it 384 ex 400.
    We could even get a visa for you Bob, after all you played a big part in driving me to not give up, the replica was your idea!

    We don't want to dispose of the replica so have decided it will be safe as a Norwich City target club rifle, and perhaps lure some young shooters into international shooting?

    Thanks Bob, and everybody else who has helped.

    Have Fun
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  4. #19
    Hellequin's Avatar
    Hellequin is offline I used to be indecisive.....
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    I've only just seen this thread (or I don't remember seeing it in 2013) and it's put a smile on my face. A proper good news story.

    Firstly, I'm chuffed to bits you've found the rifle after all these years!
    Secondly, it just shows how good the shooting community and this bbs can be. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the latter, having just been to my first Boinger Bash and seeing how friendly, helpful & welcoming members from the forum are. It's a really great 'resource' but more than that it's a place for forging friendships.

    I hope you keep posting updates on your progress with the restoration of the 75, Robin. Best of luck with it.
    Wyrd bið ful aræd

  5. #20
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    Thanks again,

    The coincidences have kept coming through out the years, she won her first international medal with that rifle, as a member of a GB ladies team that won two silvers in the Ladies team event at Intershoot in Holland in 1980.

    Then in 2020, a club member, Liv Hill, who Pam coached, won her first International medal 40 years later, at the same event, Intershoot in Holland, as a member of the GB Ladies team, the same event!

    Then this summer out of the blue an old friend who we had not seen for very many years posted some old photo's to us, one was Pam shooting the subject rifle, at the British Championships in Cardiff, we think in 1983!

    I'd post it, but don't have the facility, I'll try and find some one who can.

    Have Fun
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  6. #21
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    Can we have some pictures please?

  7. #22
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    Pictures, yes when its finished restoration, its waiting action parts at the moment, then I'll get some done, and I also have one of it in action at the British Championships I think in 1983.

    I'm not into 'putors so a friend is seeing if he can post for me.

    Have Fun
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  8. #23
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    Robin c 's unicorn

    what a great story, it needs documenting and sticking in the case with the gun for posterity. just goes to prove "its a small world"

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    The idea of having the 75 at Norwich sounds good Robin.

    I can bring the other one we swapped over if you like so members can have try with a few 75’s on the night.

    Great how things have turned out.

    All the best now.

  10. #25
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    Original 75

    We are just using that one with the replica stock as a club rifle, better than being in my loft!

    The real one is almost finished refurb, and we may bring it to the club for people to see, and maybe nag Pam into having a demo shot with it!

    The last time Pam shot one (the replica) she wondered how on earth she shot with it years ago, and did the scores she did!

    Have Fun
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    excellent news,i have been following this thread from time to time.pleased the rifle has been returned to you.

  12. #27
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    The special is home!!! Thank you all who helped.

    Well, its been a long journey, but today I got the action back from restoration, and have now rebuilt it into the original stock that I have restored.

    Its a really interesting story, full of drama and incredible coincidences, but we both have to admit to a little tear seeing the rifle back looking exactly as it left her 40 years ago!! It was the rifle that started her International shooting career, and won her many medals International and UK, and the rifle that put her on a stage that led to support from another manufacturer that continued that trail of success. Now retired from air rifle, but at ( I dare't say!!) years old, she is still successfully shooting small bore and 300 mt full bore prone rifle very successfully.

    So many have searched for the rifle for about ten years now, and many have helped, it surfaced by luck, it had been sat in the loft of a local ex shooter for 30 years, and he fortunately saw this thread and agreed to sell it back to us!! Thank you Scott.

    Thanks our friend Bob (Zooma) who pushed me to not give up and continue the search, and when all seemed to have failed pushed me to build a replica, and that produced the biggest coincidence of the lot!!! Thanks Bob.

    The first 75 was imported specially just for her, in early '77, before they were available in the UK, I believe a dispute over import rights meant they could not be imported before late '77 or '78, it failed (Jammed open!) at the British championships in 1977. and the importer who had a trade stand at the championships, switched the action from the only other one they had, which they had on display on their stand, just for display, and not permitted to sell (due to the import dispute), and that's the one she has the history with and we have just got returned.
    But the failed one?? by the most strange set of coincidences, the earlier one she used at the beginning of the year we aquired to build the replica, arranged by friend Andy, and then discovered it was actually the earlier one that Jammed!!!! So she now has both the firsts two 75's into the UK and that she shot competitively with both!

    You could not make up a story like this!!!

    Any way the final historic one, its home, the action was restored by Roger Moy, thank you Roger, he told me it was a nightmare to restore, he had problem after problem, and so much was not the same as other 75's he has done? He'd forgotten I'd told him it was a pre production version, and they had so many issues they revised the design before they became generally available! But he succeeded, and did a great job, Thanks Roger.

    So I have fitted it in the stock that I restored, simple job, then I set about adjusting the trigger to how the boss likes them. Hmmmm, Oh dear, that's perfection, and she's still the most critical person I know on triggers!!
    To set the trigger was a nightmare, took me most of the afternoon, not helped by her special trigger to bring the reach back short, and I continually had to fit it in the stock, then take it out, and then refit, took me most of the afternoon.
    I can hear the laughter from "Oop North" from here, come on Bob, its 40 year since I set up a 75 trigger, I'm allowed to forget how!!! But I found the breakdown diagram from my papers and wrestled through, and the memory slowly came back! Any one who thinks old rifles are as good as modern ones, think again, tech has moved on in 40 years!!! But I got there, and the trigger is now as crisp as a packet of Walkers!!

    So thanks all those that helped and made this happen, Bob, Andy, Roger, and Scott, and all you who searched and inquired and helped.

    We hope we can arrange a special event some time, to display this Special 75, (and the "Jammed" 75!), and perhaps all her other air rifles that followed it, her pre production Walther LGR Junior Special, her Walther LG400 expert wood stocked Junior Special, another prototype, and the medals she won with them all, and I'd love to see our club juniors shoot with these historic rifles, that's our wish, but we'll have to see if it can happen.

    So have Fun,
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  13. #28
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    And the picture please?

  14. #29
    RobinC's Avatar
    RobinC is offline Awesome Shooting Coach and Author.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muskett View Post
    And the picture please?
    I don't do phone stuff, so have to get the camera out, and then download, and then I have no means to put on this site as it does not directly download.

    That's apart from the fact I'm busy restoring a 1960's Ducati single so busy on that!

    I will get around to taking some pictures at some time though.

    I do have some of the replica which is identical, email me on and as a taster I'll send some to you.

    Have Fun
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Glad its all sorted now Robin.

    Its been a long wait but like most things worth it in the end.

    Will be nice to finally see them both in the not to distant future

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